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马斯格雷夫论坛·工作论文 第7期

2017-10-27 08:01:57

演讲者 丁海燕博士 地点 财税学院1号楼302室
讲座时间 11月2日13:30—15:00

讲座主题:Estimate the income inequality using Engel Curveapproac






Adopting a simple demand system, we aim to re-estimate the income inequality and revisit the relationship b\w consumption inequality and income inequality in urban China.We use the Urban Household Survey (UHS) dataassuming the expenditure data is wellmeasured. We find income inequality growth exceeds consumption inequality growth in urban China, although income inequality is still lower than consumption inequality over theperiod 2003-2009. We also find that the increase of income inequality is mainly due tothe increase of inequality between the middle expenditure group and the high expendituregroup, while the income inequality between the middle-expenditure group and the low-expenditure group slightly decreases. This not only confirms the presence of pervasive greyincome, also implying that grey incomes mostly exist in the high-expenditure stratum.In the robustness test, we relax theassumptionsthat the Engel coefficient is log-linear andthat the income elasticity is constant over time and find that the estimation results are still robust.


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